Research Staff

Research Staff

Shin, Bosung Senior Research Fellow Macro-Financial Analysis


Ph.D., Finance, Yonse University, 2003
M.S., Finance, Seoul National University, 1990
B.A., Business Administration, Yonsei University, 1988
Professional Experience
Korea Capital Market Institute (2003~present)
Shinhan Research Institute, Shinhan Bank (1992~2003)
Korea Long-Term Credit Bank (1990~1991)


Global Trends in Financial Reform and Korea Senior Research Fellow Shin, Bosung and others / May. 06, 2015
Institutional investors, market quality, and capital markets development Senior Research Fellow Shin, Bosung and others / Feb. 26, 2014
The Changing Market Structure of the Korean Financial Investment Industry Senior Research Fellow Shin, Bosung and others / Jan. 15, 2011


Global Trends in Financial Reform and Korea / Sep. 16, 2014
The financial sector is having heated discussions as regulatory reform emerges as one of Korea’s top national agendas. There is still a long way to go before the discussed ideas materialize as reform. The most difficult task of all is persuading the numerous economic entities with conflicting interests to reach a consensus. Hence, in order for regulatory reform to achieve substantial results, it is necessary to set the fundamental direction first. If consensus is reached about the overall direction, it will be easier to coordinate conflicting interests and maintain momentum. More importantly, it will help the reform be more effective, consistent, and persistent. This article diagnoses the trends in developed nations’ financial reform, and draws out the fundamental direction in which Korea should head. Based on that, I present concrete actions Korea should carry out.
Growth of Financial Holding Companies and Synergy Creation / Oct. 29, 2013
Financial holding companies are high-cost organizations, and unless they create enough synergy to cover the high costs, their raison d'etre (reason or purpose for existence) disappears. In this regard, Korea’s financial holding companies should examine whether their structure is arranged for synergy creation. Also, financial authorities should look into whether there are any constraints to FHCs’ synergy creation.
Challenges for the Growth of Boutique IBs / Mar. 13, 2012
The Korean financial market is likely to see the emergence of boutique IBs in the near future. To be successful, boutique IBs should focus on limited areas for greater capital efficiency.
Implications of Matrix Management for Korean Financial Holding Companies / Oct. 25, 2011
Creating synergy is an important challenge for a financial holding company. Matrix management enables a financial holding company to effectively mobilize the resources and capabilities that are spread across multiple affiliates to suit customer needs. The introduction of matrix management tests Korean financial holding companies` management capabilities, and it will be a critical determinant of whether a company will make a leap forward or not.

Seminar Presentation

Research performance

- Conflicts of Interest among Securities Firms Running Asset Management Businesses (with Rae-Soo Park), The Korean Journal of Finance, Vol. 20, Number 3, 2007. 
- Securities Holdings of Banks in Incomplete Capital Markets, The Korean Journal of Financial Management, Vol. 24, Number 3, 2007. 
- Lending Relationships, Credit Availability, and Banking Crises (2006, with S. Y. Park and Gregory F. Udell), under review. 
- Financial Structure Does Matter: A Direct Evidence from OECD countries (2006, with K. B. Binh and S. Y. Park), under review. 
- Market Characteristics, Human Capital Accumulation and Wage Structure: Empirical Evidence from the Korean Financial Sectors (2008, with K. S. Choi and J. H. Jung), Journal of Money Finance, Vol.22, No.4