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The Role of Finance for Innovative Growth Bulls Hall, KOFIA Building, Yeoido
  • Date : Nov 06 2017
  • Time :14:00~16:30

‘Innovative growth’ is recently attracting much attention as a key policy topic pertinent to the Korean economy. As you know, innovation adds economic value and creates jobs, thereby serving as a main growth engine for companies and economies. Furthermore, the fourth industrial revolution is much talked about amid advances in information technology. At this juncture, the role of innovative startups is crucial. However, a lack of credit history or collateral, and high information asymmetry make it difficult for these firms to raise funds. As regards sources of capital for innovative startup firms, they rely on crowdfunding or entrepreneurial capital provided by professional investors in capital markets, such as accelerators, angels, and venture capitalists, on top of the government’s funding support via policy grants or loans. In this respect, not only innovative firms but also entrepreneurial capital providers are the main drivers of innovative growth. Hence, Korea and major countries are sparing no efforts in building a private sector-driven startup and entrepreneurial ecosystems which support innovation and growth in companies.   
Korea Capital Market Institute will host a policy seminar titled “The Role of Finance for Innovative Growth”, which brings together private sector experts as well as policy-makers and practitioners.  

Presentation Materials

  • The Role of Finance for Innovative Growth (Korean)

    Kim, Jongmin

    Senior Research Fellow, KCMI  Kim, Jongmin

  • Entrepreneurial Capital Market for Early-Stage Startups: Current State and Challenges (Korean)

    Kim, Jongmin

    Senior Research Fellow, KCMI  Kim, Jongmin

  • Entrepreneurial Capital Exit Market: Current State and Challenges (Korean)

    Kim, Joon-Seok

    Senior Research Fellow, KCMI  Kim, Joon-Seok